Woodhouse Moor parkrun 5km

A flat 5km parkrun route that loops Woodhouse Moor park three times.


Elevation gain:75m

Map loading image

Route Elevation


The Woodhouse Moor parkrun 5km run route is a classic. This course was the second ever to start outside of London in the noughties.

As gradients go – aside from the odd short section here and there – this one stays pretty consistent the whole way around. The route consists of three laps around Woodhouse Moor park. For those runners wanting to train and test themselves against the clock, this is a good choice!

Before running the parkrun event on a Saturday morning, you will need to register online.

Wanting to find your way to the start of the route? Here is a link for a Google Maps Directions page.

This route has a distance of 5.11km and an elevation gain of 75m.

The largest non-stop incline begins in the first third of of the route, and has a distance of 347m and an elevation gain of 11m. You can see this on the above elevation chart in red.

The largest continual decline is 100m long with an elevation drop of 6m which starts within the first kilometre of the route. This is shown on the chart as green.

Route Highlights

One of the best bits of running the Woodhouse Moor parkrun 5km route is the location of the run. Woodhouse Moor or 'Hyde Park' as it is widely known was Leeds first ever inner-city urban park. And fittingly is the city's first ever parkrun event. If you haven't run it, you must!

Best Time To Run

Not many parkrun events end up getting cancelled due to the weather. As routes go the Woodhouse Moor parkrun 5km is a fail safe run due to the location and terrain. What the route lacks in visual charm it makes up in accessibility all year round.

Route Description

The route starts on the large tarmac circle by Akmal’s Tandoori, just off from the A660 (Woodhouse Lane).

Start and set off moving away from the main road towards the centre of the park where all the paths meet. Run around this central point anti-clockwise and take the fourth exit. This will take you to the top right corner of the park where the Queen Victoria statue stands. Run around the statue and take a sharp right and head down the park. At this point there is a gentle gradient.

When you get to the bottom of the park take a slight right so you are running alongside Moorland Road. Stay on this path as it takes you back up along the left hand side of the park. This is where it gets slightly tougher as the gradient dials up a notch.

Follow this path all the way to the top and take a sharp right around the Woodhouse Moor playground. Head back into the centre of the park and take the first left. You will end up where you started.

Repeat the loop two more times, and on the third lap as you enter the tarmac circle take a right to the finish line.


Sustained effort to clock up lots of parkrun completions will be symbolised with the different t-shirts you will receive. For inspirational commitment there is a white, purple, red, black, green and blue milestone tees.



The Woodhouse Moor parkrun 5km is a well trodden route mainly on paths. The only thing we suggest you look out for is wet leaves in the autumn and winter time – a slippy hazard!


Woodhouse Moor was the city’s first urban park, and was brought about by the ‘Urban Parks Movement’. It cost £3000 back in 1875. The park also hosts an old air raid shelter, now abandoned and hidden below the surface.

Woodhouse Lane splits the park into two different sections. The more popular side is where the run route is plotted. For more information about Woodhouse Moor, we would recommend you take a look at Woodhouse Moor page over at Discover Leeds.

If you like running in this area, why not take a look at some other routes in similar areas. This route went through: Hyde Park.

More after this. Continue reading below ↓


There are a number of bins dotted around the park and benches to rest your legs.

Unfortunately Woodhouse Moor park doesn’t have a public toilet. Alternatively, there are a number of food and drink locations nearby that you could visit. Hyde Park Pub (Google Map Directions) may be the quickest and easiest one to get to!


There is no specific parking for the park, but there are a number of residential roads dotted around that have on road parking. A good one to pick if the park isn’t too busy is Rampart Road, postcode LS6 2RE (Google Map Directions).

Food and Drink

For a post-run coffee and snack, you are spoilt for choice in the Hyde Park and Woodhouse area of Leeds.

Our go to choice would probably have to be Hyde Park Book Club. This quirky bar provides a range of drinks in a relaxed  indoor and outdoor setting.

Failing that, maybe pop in to Oranaise Café, and sample the North African inspired food and drinks menu.