Cross Flatts parkrun 5km

Challenging parkrun run route in Cross Flatts Park. It’s you against the clock over 5-kilometres.


Elevation gain:38m

Map loading image

Route Elevation


Cross Flatts park is a green space that is perfect for people to discover recreational enjoyment and the parkrun event is a big part of this. Cross Flatts parkrun is a free 5k timed weekly run that takes place every Saturday from 9am. Before you arrive signup for free at Cross Flatts parkrun.


Wanting to find your way to the start of the route? Here is a link for a Google Maps Directions page.

This route has a distance of 2.18km and an elevation gain of 38m.

The largest non-stop incline begins in the final third of of the route, and has a distance of 428m and an elevation gain of 18m. You can see this on the above elevation chart in red.

The largest continual decline is 280m long with an elevation drop of 16m which starts in the second third of the route. This is shown on the chart as green.

Route Highlights

One of the highlights of the Cross Flatts parkrun 5km route is the seesaw balance it has when it comes to running downhill and running uphill. This makes the route simultaneously challenging and potentially speedy when running against the clock. Consistently conquering the long uphill section at Cross Flatts will make you a better runner.

Route Description

The course, run entirely on tarmac, begins on the central path next to the Watsonian Pavillion. Turn right at the end and loop back up to the northern end of the park. After running across the top you will run directly downhill to the southern end. Run across the bottom and turn to begin the run back up the hill towards the northern end. You will need to complete two laps of this.

The most rewarding downhill will come immediately after running across the northern end of the park in the first section; the biggest incline is on the second half of the lap coming up from the southern end of the park.

Once you have completed the second lap it’s time for a half lap at the northern end of the park. Before finishing on the central path where you started.


parkrun is a great entry point into physical activity for those people that aren’t bothered about competitive sport. You can walk-jog-run or even push a buggy around a park full of friendly faces. It’s an environment that encourages people to practice a new exercise habit.


Wet weather and autumnal leaves are your worst enemies here. Expect the paths to be slippery with leaves and mud on a wet weather day.

Following rain the most hazard part of the route is the uphill section after running around bottom of the park. This section includes a small set of stairs.


Cross Flatts Park is located in the heart of Beeston, South Leeds. It is 44 acres of green space dedicated to sport and physical activity. Enjoy six sporting opportunities – including parkrun – throughout the week.

More after this. Continue reading below ↓


There are fully accessible toilets at the Watsonian Pavillion which can be located at the top end in the centre of Cross Flatts park.

Rubbish bins are dotted all around the park.


Park for free on one of the residential side streets next to Cross Flatts Park:

Food and Drink

Get a post-run tea or coffee and a bite to eat from the Bridge Café at the Watsonian Pavillion. Or head along Beeston Road for 10-minutes to the family run café Dolce Vita.